Professional Fire Safety Services in Perth, Western Australia
Workplace safety case study: don’t be like Karla

Workplace safety case study: don’t be like Karla

Here’s a bit of a Q & A about a recent workplace fire safety incident. Thanks for sharing Karla*!

1. So tell us a bit about what happened in your workplace incident?
As part of my day at the office, I heat up my lunch using the staff microwave in a shared kitchen. To provide some context, I eat the same thing every day and follow the same routine however on this day my lunch caught fire.

2. How did you react/what did you do?
I stayed calm and called the office manager. He then dealt with the melted container situation and the smoke that had seeped through the office. I was very fortunate that once I opened the microwave the flames went out so I didn’t have to attempt to use the fire blanket or fire extinguisher nearby. Our floor firewarden also approached the kitchen to check out the hazard in preparation to alert building management and set off any relevant alarms to evacuate the building (I work on the 9th floor of a high rise building in the city).

3. Did you know what to do in this situation?
Yes I did, I knew to contact the office manager as he was the contact for any issues throughout the office. I’m not sure what I would have done if he wasn’t around and I couldn’t find him. Luckily I sit next to the fire warden at work so perhaps she would’ve been my next contact.

4. How long have you been with this organization?
4 months

5. If you had your time again, what would you have done differently?
I would have stayed in the kitchen area watching the microwave instead of leaving. I have actually been pretty nervous about using the microwave since then and have started eating salad!!

6. Any other information you think is relevant to managing this incident.
There was an incident form that needed to be filled in, the situation was handled professionally and in a very safe manner. I had not had any particular safety training but had been explained the protocols should there be an incident at the office within office hours. It’s amazing how quickly things can get out of control with fire in an office building – I was very lucky but it definitely shook me up a bit!

From the team at ALCAN, thank you for reading this article and stay safe. Contact us to find out how you can make your workplace safer and ensure you have the appropriate procedures in place (and make sure you know what is the correct extinguisher to use with an electrical fire!).

*Note: unfortunately we couldn’t photograph Karla due to her fear of retribution! Be reassured she is a REAL person.