Emergency evacuations can be chaotic. Evacuation procedures can be forgotten and workplace layout is constantly changing. Therefore it is imperative that evacuation procedures are refreshed on a regular basis. If an evacuation is not conducted smoothly and expediently it can result in delay, entrapment and danger to life and property. At ALCAN we help businesses by conducting evacuation drills on a six monthly or annual basis depending on your business requirements.
Who should attend?
This training is valuable for all employees who may be required to evacuate in an emergency situation.
- Briefing for wardens and employees attending the evacuation drill
- Identify Emergency Wardens and refresh their responsibilities
- Reference your company’s Evacuation Procedures Plans
- Refresh evacuation sequence and search procedures
- Locate assembly points methods of raising the alarms
- Identify types of emergencies
- Risk assessment of the workplace
- Dealing with mobility impaired personnel
- Methods of communication (radio, shout, air horn etc)
- Conduct the evacuation drill
- Conduct a post activity debrief
- Feedback and discussion time
1 hour. More time allowed for larger premises
Training to be conducted at the client’s premises
A meeting with the Chief Warden or Area Warden to raise any concerns or questions they may have at no extra cost. A comprehensive report will be issued covering the evacuation drill in sequence. Report will highlight the good practices and areas of improvement with recommendations for greater level of safety proposed.
Recommended related training:
If some of your employees have recently taken up the role of wardens, we recommend they conduct the Emergency Warden Training course. Contact us today to ask about our package deal specials or to book this course.