Professional Fire Safety Services in Perth, Western Australia
Fire extinguisher training. Worth it, or a waste of money?

Fire extinguisher training. Worth it, or a waste of money?

Fire safety training is often seen by the employers as yet another one of those Health and Safety burdens they are forced to carry. Employees on the other hand, often see it as a waste of time or a nice little ‘break’ from the desk, computer or warehouse. Both need to be convinced that taking it seriously could save lives and business assets.

The problem from a Health and Safety point of view is that to deal with a fire someone has to actually get close to it. That puts them very clearly “at risk”. But how big does the fire have to be before it is “too big” and becomes life threatening? Personally I would suggest no bigger than an office sized waste paper bin fully alight.

It is important for staff and building occupants to understand the limitations of their fire equipment and know what to expect when they use them.

In an emergency situation most people are hesitant to use a fire extinguisher because they simply do not have the confidence or the knowhow. They do not understand fire behavior or the different types of fire extinguishers – and that can only be acquired through training.

Training needs to be tailored for each business. There is no “one size fits all” package. Yes, it does have a price tag but it will not break the bank.

The most effective training package is going to be one where the normal roles of staff have been considered and will include at least a basic understanding of the classification and behavior of fire and the manner in which it develops, spreads and grows.

Training can be interesting, effective and lifesaving. At ALCAN, we have been successfully working with our clients to develop fire extinguisher and fire warden training packages tailored to their business needs.

Contact us today to talk to a specialist trainer and get your business, and more importantly your employees, safeguarded in an emergency situation.