BBQ safety tips

BBQ safety tips

With spring’s arrival, we start using our outdoor areas much more and fire up our favourite get together activity – the BBQ. Below is a list of checks to carry out before using your BBQ to ensure a fun and safe experience:

  • Clean away any grease build-up
  • Ensure the gas bottle is upright and not hanging by the hose
  • Make sure your regulator and hose are undamaged, unkincked and unblocked
  • Check hoses for leaks using soapy water
  • When lighting a BBQ, ensure the lid or cover is open
  • Follow manufacturer’s directions and use common sense
  • Ensure BBQ is away from the house, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches
  • Never leave a lit BBQ unattended

From ALCAN Fire Safety, have a safe spring!

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